AdvancedLogic I agree with you 100% percent the problem with this scenario is that early finalization....which Silk Road posted on the accounts orders page are final. The biggest issue is the vendors that circumvent the finalization guidelines. They make it seem to make up their own rules on there vending practices and this has opened an unregulated early finalization grey area where the scamming in general has become most prominent. Gummystars should be banned as a vendor as it has been a fiasco since day one, unless we can get some senior members to report the orders have been sucessful . By not follow the guidelines he broke a vendor rule that goes unregulated and this grey area is where Silk Road needs to concentrate on. I know yadda yadda yadda about vendors that send orders to certain countries is the scapegoat clause used and has become an artificial and untrue guideline that new members to the site don't realize. This is the problem. AdvancedLogic I'd very much like for you and I to open lines of communication via PM's and discuss this issue much more privately and solutions to this issue. In the mean time this thread is an excellent point to start to with education on scammers and I must ask all members to read though the SCAM FAQ thread in the rumor mill. Early finalizing for new vendor and vendors in general is not the proper way to use the Silk Road site and until there is consequences to vendors violating guidelines in this manner the scams will go on, I have no doubt. Please PM Silk Road on the Marketplace site(http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/index.php/silkroad/user/1) to report new vendors requesting early finalization. As this is the number one red flag for scammers. nomad bloodbath